The Mental Notes
Volume I December 2022
Life's Laboratory
By Mae S.
What if our whole world is a simulation?
What if everything was simply an experiment?
What if you and I were no more than some scientist’s fascination?
What if our actions were more like information?
Data for some theory,
Evidence for a query,
I sometimes think about this
Not because I worry my life is meaningless,
But because I wonder what those white coats collected,
If all my choices were selectively inspected,
Would I pass the test?
Or would failing be for the best?
Did I follow my human nature?
Did I put in enough labor?
I haven’t been a leader or a breeder,
I haven’t built any cities or formed any committees.
I’ve hopped on trains and followed the crowd,
I played the game but no judges were “wow’d”.
I was a pawn on the chess board,
I didn’t hold the world back, but I didn’t push it forward.
At what point of submissiveness do I become impressionless?
How hard must I make my footprint for it to overcome the tide?
Am I really living, or am I just along for the ride?
Yes, I choose my path, but the roller coaster never had to leave the track,
I changed my speed and picked my seated location,
But in the end there was no impact on my destination.
I just get off the ride and join the end of the line,
Each customer slowly moving up
At the touch of the gloves with the blue latex design.